Vocal Cord Cyst
Vocal Cord Cyst
Cysts are bubble-shaped pathological bags that occur in different tissues and organs of the body and cause many diseases, typically filled with liquid, colloid (semi-liquid), fat or air.
They are also called tumors. They do not have a specific size, they can be of different sizes. They are surrounded by a membranous cyst wall. They can be benign (benign) or malignant (malignant).

However, in case of the possibility of cancer, all cysts are treated as malignant and examined and it is decided after examination whether they are benign or not. Even if they are benign, they can cause very serious problems due to the sensitivity of the area where they are located in the body and their size. The vast majority of them are surgically removed. They are often confused with abscesses which are covered with pus.
Vocal Cord Cyst (Vocal Cord Cyst) is a white or yellow, sac-like, benign tissue degeneration, usually formed in the middle part of the vocal cords and unilaterally, filled with fluid or fat, as a result of blockage of the moisturizing tissue in the vocal cords and the inability to drain the mucosal fluid it produces. They are not as common as nodules and polyps. There are two different types: Mucus Retention Cysts, which are filled with liquid mucosa, and Epidermoid / Sebaceous Cysts, which are filled with keratin or fat.
1 Session
3 Days
20 Minutes
5 Days Later
General Anesthesia
5 Days
What are the Symptoms of a Vocal Cord Cyst?
Although the symptoms of vocal cord cyst vary from person to person, it usually manifests itself with hoarseness and bifurcation, vocal fatigue, vocalization difficulty and sudden stinging pain in the throat during speech. Reflux disease increases the severity of vocal cord cyst complaints because it is related to the muscles near the larynx.

What Causes a Vocal Cord Cyst?
The exact cause of vocal cord cysts is not known. It is usually caused by inflammation or tissue blockage at the site. As with nodules or polyps, there are few cases of cysts caused by overuse and misuse of the voice alone. It is most often caused by misuse of the voice during an upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) or laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx). There are also cases that occur during the development of the baby in the womb and are seen at birth. In addition to these factors, genetic problems, sebaceous glands, hormonal irregularities and problems can also lead to the formation of vocal cord cysts.
The diagnosis and diagnosis of vocal cord cysts is usually made with endoscopic devices called laryngoscopy or stroboscopy, in which the vocal cords and their surroundings are visualized, or with sound (acoustic) analysis, in which the extracted sound is analyzed with the help of a computer. In parallel with this examination, a detailed examination of the vocal cords is performed by an ear-nose-throat doctor. Thus, it is understood whether the complaints are caused by a vocal cord cyst.